Thursday, 2 October 2014

Grace is 22 Months!


New Things I Can Do:  I love counting and can count consistently to six.  I then like skipping some numbers and saying 8, 10!  I walk my brother to school and back, no problem.  I'm wearing pyjamas to bed now.  I like trying to do things all by myself  (put on my shoes, buckle my belt on my buggy, take off my coat, wash my cup, etc). 

Things I Like Saying:  I like copying Liam; he gets me to repeat after him.  I wind my Daddy up by calling him "Paul."  I'm starting to call him Daddy now instead of Dada. 

Things That Make Me Laugh:  Liam makes me laugh by pouring water over me in the bath.  I keep saying "gain" for again. 

Some Favourites:   I love role-playing with Teddy, Lion, Dolly and Big Mouse.  I have them all watch me get my nappy changed.  I also line them up with stories in front of them.  I put bibs on them and pretend to feed them.  I like drawing.  I'm a real Mommy's girl at the moment.  I love waving at buses and pointing to cranes when I see them.  I love copying everything Liam does and have started to try to climb up (with the help of a stool) onto everything!  I like it when Daddy sings me songs from books.

Enjoying the park with Liam.

Dolly and Teddy reading their stories.

Getting Dolly ready to go outside.

Just chillin' on the picnic table.

Drawing a picture.

My first pyjamas.

Water painting with Liam.