Thursday, 1 May 2014

Grace is 17 Months!

I'm a real animal lover.
 New Things I Can Do:  I'm beginning to understand everything that is said around me.  I'm learning about boundaries--and can hold on to Mommy or Daddy's hand when walking on the side walk.  I also walked to Panshanger Park for the first time!  I can go down slides by myself, feet first.  I ride along on my zebra now.  I'm very good at putting away my shoes when I'm asked.  I can also put away books (when I'm inclined).  I baked muffins with Liam and Mommy for the first time.  I can climb up onto the ottoman--and onto some chairs by myself. 
New Things I Can Say:  I'm still saying Mommy and Dada all the time.  I'm trying to say Liam's name too.  I say NO when you give me something that I don't want....and more!  When you sing me a song that I like, I'll say "Gain" for again.
Things That Make Me Laugh: Playing hide and seek with Liam.  I love songs--and doing the actions to them.  Holding hands and dancing with Liam. 
How I Like To Play:  I like throwing my cubes everywhere--and other toys.  I love carrying books around with me and I'm always asking someone to read one to me.  I like playing with my lego and hiding the rabbits in the house.  I like giving cuddles to my favourite toys.  I'm trying to get at Liam's megasketcher so that I can draw too!

Liam likes trains--and so do I!

I look out the window for birds every day.

After being told to stay put, I'm trying my best.

Rolling around on my back.

At Jenny's with my favourite cat, Timmy.

Playing at the sea side.  Sand between my toes doesn't bother me.

After my walk to the park.