Friday, 31 May 2013

Spring is Here!

Here I am at swimming lessons with Daddy.  I love to splash, splash, splash and to kick, kick, kick!
With our cousins.
I'm practising my driving.
No wonder "Gardiner" is one of my middle names!
I planted some strawberries and tomatoes.
King of the Castle
I'm holding on to Gracie so tight so that she won't slide down!
I loved playing in Grandma's suitcase.
Going for a train ride with Grandma.
Help!  I can't escape the two 2 year olds behind me!

Blowing Raspberries
My first slide ride.

I love being outside.







Thursday, 30 May 2013

Grandma's Visit

Grandma came to visit us for two weeks.  We had loads of fun and for once, the weather cooperated!  We went out to lots of places as Mommy usually has her hands full with the two of us.  We ate in many restaurants....Grace had her usual--milk, and I had my new favourite--scones!  Grandma also got to come to our music classes.  I showed Grandma how proficient I'm becoming at doing puzzles and Grace showed off her mat manoeuvres!  It was sad to see her go and we miss her very much!

Brother and Sister

Excited to be sitting outside!

Grace with Grandma and Nana

Big smiles!

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Grace is 6 Months Old!


Here I am dressed in my first swimming costume.

New Things I Can Do:  I can pull the bananas to make music on my bouncy chair; I reach out and grab everything in sight (books, coasters, toys); I sometimes can roll from my front onto my back; I laugh when I'm being tickled (tummy or neck); I notice myself in the mirror; I tried swimming for the first time and loved the swimming pool.

Favourite Bath time Toys: I try to grab the facecloth and eat it in the bath; Daddy gives me the duck but all I care about is the facecloth!

How I've Been Sleeping:  I still sleep in Mommy and Daddy's room but I'm about to move out; I normally take 3 naps a day--and on most days will sleep for around 4 hours daily; I go to sleep at night around 7:30 and with a dream feed at 10:30, I wake up most days at 6am.  I'm a pretty good sleeper and sometimes play with my mobile in my bed while waiting for Mommy and Daddy to get me.

My Friends:  The only friend my age that I have is Molly but I have a lot of older admirers.

My Favourite Toys:  I love Sophie the giraffe at the moment---I get very excited when I chew on it.  I also like holding on and trying to eat my ball.  I'm good at shaking my rattles now.   

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Grace is 5 Months Old!

New Things I Can Do:  When on my tummy, I can push up on  my arms and stay up a long while; I "talk" a lot and answer back with lots of sounds; under my play mat, I can pull myself up onto my side; for nearly two months now, I've been going to bed at 7:30 and after being woken for a 10:30 dreamfeed, I sleep until woken at 6:30am.

My Favourite Toys: Princess Sophie and Lulu in a Tutu's crinkling skirts; laughs at lion on the play mat; loves playing under her mobile and "catching" the animals.

Games I Like to Play:  watching Liam run around and Liam getting up close face to face; grabbing the face cloth in the bath.

I Laugh When: I'm being changed on my changing mat; when Mommy talks to me and tickles my tummy; when Daddy makes silly faces at me.

Funny Things I Do:  Arm always moving during feeds--scratches Mommy's chest; Feeds fast and usually wants more! Bats ball on the car seat toy.

My Favourite Things to Cuddle:  muslin and resting head on Mommy and Daddy's shoulders.