Thursday, 16 August 2012

Cambridge and other great fun

For his birthday, I bought Daddy a bike seat so I can ride with him on his bike.  Although I swayed side to side and had to hang on tight, I had a great time!

As the Olympic Games were coming to an end, I couldn't make up my mind which team I should support:  Great Britain or Canada?  In the end, I decided to cheer on both countries.

Here I am waving, um or eating my flags.

I also went on my second bus ride when we took a bus into Cambridge.  I went up and down the stairs with Daddy and saw so many people getting on and off.

When I went to a park in Cambridge, I wasn't shy at all.  I walked over to a bigger boy and started to play ball with him, his dad and Grandpa J.  I love throwing and kicking balls!

To top off a great day, I went out for a belated birthday dinner for Daddy.  I got to order some delicious pizza which I shared with Mommy.