Friday, 25 May 2012

Some Nice Weather At Last!

Finally, we're having some nice weather once again.  I was so tired of having to stay indoors.  I love being outside.

Our backyard is very sunny and all the parks are full of sun too (no shade), so Mommy does her best to bring me outside.

My favourite time to play on the grass is after dinner before bedtime.  I'm learning not to eat the grass--Mommy says I'm not a cow!

I'm noticing buses everywhere--even on my t-shirt!

 Look--here's a bus!

I have also started to walk this week.  I'm still a little wobbly--but I'm trying my best.

Being very good on the lawn.

I went over to Amy's this week to play in her backyard.  I had an amazing time splashing water everywhere with her.  We had a hoot!

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Trip to London

We've been having horrible weather lately.  Good thing our trip into London was timed for a beautiful sunny day.

Once again, I went to visit Regent's Park.  And I got to see tons of buses!

And then I got to see tons of ducks and pigeons.  I had such a great time!

Before we left, Daddy played a game of football with me.  I was very interested in another boy's ball which was bigger than mine.

14 Months Old!

New Things I Can Do: Point to belly & knees; whistle; stands by himself for 5 seconds.

Favourite Things To Do:  Loves watching bubbles being blown; loves putting a magnet on the clock; Playing with milk bottles and juice cartons.

New Activity: Goes to a weekly music class--is a real hoot--waves to all the other babies and dances throughout!

My Favourite Toy to Cuddle: Still loves Doudou Ane but goes bezerk for Mickey Mouse!

I still regularly have my friends come over.

13 Months Old!

New Things I Can Do:  clap hands; point to ears & head; push bike and walkers around the house.
Favourite Things To Do: Go for walk on trike--looking for birds, dogs, cats, buses and airplanes. 

Tickling Uncle Jamie's toes.
Watching Daddy make bubbles.