Saturday, 10 December 2011

9 Months Old!

What! I'm 9 months old already?!

   New Things I Can Do: I can pull myself up to standing; push myself up to sit properly; I can crawl up one stair (but not down!); I can bite Dadd's shoulder; I can crawl pretty quickly!

    Toys I Enjoy Playing With: knocking down stacking cups; Jumperoos; shaking rattles to make noises and pulling down magnets. 

     My Best Noises:  "Ba-Ba", blowing raspberries, clacking tongue and screaching!

      How I've Been Sleeping:  Even with teeth coming in--I sleep all night from 7:30-7am with morning and afternoon naps.

      New Foods I've Tried:  kiwi fruit, brussel sprouts.  I love all food especially avocado and yogourt.

      Cute Things I Do:  Indian dancing--reaching up and pretending to touch lights (still obsessed with them); likes watching Mommy clap; when I play music on a toy, I start to "dance" by rocking back and forth on my knees.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Time Flies!

I've now been more time out of Mommy than in.  Boy, have I learned a lot!

I've learnt how to crawl out of suitcases.  It took me a while but I figured it out.  Mommy figures I might as well practise hiding in suitcases as that may be a cheaper way to travel in years to come.

Mom, why are you taking a picture  now?  I'm busy!

Good-bye England!  I'm on my way to Canada!
                        I've also started biting people's shoulders when they hold me, just in time for meeting my family in Canada.

I still love lights.  When I raise my arms, I think I can almost touch them.  Dad says it looks like I'm doing Indian dancing!