Saturday, 10 December 2011

9 Months Old!

What! I'm 9 months old already?!

   New Things I Can Do: I can pull myself up to standing; push myself up to sit properly; I can crawl up one stair (but not down!); I can bite Dadd's shoulder; I can crawl pretty quickly!

    Toys I Enjoy Playing With: knocking down stacking cups; Jumperoos; shaking rattles to make noises and pulling down magnets. 

     My Best Noises:  "Ba-Ba", blowing raspberries, clacking tongue and screaching!

      How I've Been Sleeping:  Even with teeth coming in--I sleep all night from 7:30-7am with morning and afternoon naps.

      New Foods I've Tried:  kiwi fruit, brussel sprouts.  I love all food especially avocado and yogourt.

      Cute Things I Do:  Indian dancing--reaching up and pretending to touch lights (still obsessed with them); likes watching Mommy clap; when I play music on a toy, I start to "dance" by rocking back and forth on my knees.

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Time Flies!

I've now been more time out of Mommy than in.  Boy, have I learned a lot!

I've learnt how to crawl out of suitcases.  It took me a while but I figured it out.  Mommy figures I might as well practise hiding in suitcases as that may be a cheaper way to travel in years to come.

Mom, why are you taking a picture  now?  I'm busy!

Good-bye England!  I'm on my way to Canada!
                        I've also started biting people's shoulders when they hold me, just in time for meeting my family in Canada.

I still love lights.  When I raise my arms, I think I can almost touch them.  Dad says it looks like I'm doing Indian dancing!

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Moving Along...

This week, I've started to feel better.  After staying inside for most of the week, I ventured out just in time to see my cousins from Leeds.  I had lots of fun playing with them...and trying to not get in the way when they were wrestling around me!  Zak was extra gentle with me...and Max even shared some of his toys.

If you look closely, you can see my bottom two teeth!
I also got a new tooth!  It's my top right incisor!  So now I have three.  All I want for Christmas is my tooth front teeth.

I can even pull myself to a standing position now!

Dad and Zak are enjoying playing ball.  Me, I'm not too sure if I like this game yet.

We even stayed still for some photos!

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Under the Weather

I haven't been feeling my best for the past few days.  I've got a cold!  Mommy continues to torture me with the aspirator eventhough I keep trying to squirm away from her. 

The weather hasn't been great either--so I've spent the past couple of days at home.

On the bright side, I did discover something new this past week.  If I squint, I see the world differently!  I watch Mommy and Daddy blink and I try to copy them.

Thursday, 10 November 2011

8 Months Old!

I'm now 8 months old and I'm getting quite heavy--just over 18 pounds!

New things I can do:  Last week, I learnt how to crawl!  I can also push myself halfway up to a sitting position and I can hold on to the couch and stand by myself.  I'm good at chewing and eating.  I can also lift my play mats and find shoes behind sofas.

My Favourite Book:  Continues to be Good Night Moon and my Nursery Rhyme Trilogy.

My Friends: Megan, Amy, Chloe, Jack, Oliver, Edie and Isabella.

Funny Things I do: Blowing raspberries when eating; looking around to see if anybody is watching when I'm up to mischief; gazing at the faces on my curtains; snatching toys away from others; giggling when looking up at the kitchen clock and laughing when people follow me up and down the stairs.

Foods I Like:  yogourt, any fruit, "Ella's Kitchen", any meat except beef.

Foods I dislike: beef.

Sunday, 30 October 2011

1st Halloween

Today I celebrated my first Halloween (although Mommy tells me that Halloween is really tomorrow).  After much shopping around, Daddy picked out my costume.  I loved being a tiger!  It was very comfy and as I crawled, I tried to make growling noises. 

Amy and Megan came to my party with their Moms and Dads.  Both of them came as witches.  Try as they might, they couldn't cast a spell on me!  I was too quick!

I can't wait until next year when I might taste some of the candy.  Happy Halloween everybody!

Ah!  A witch is after me!

2 Witches, a Tiger and a Pumpkin, oh my!

Waving to Daddy on the side.

I'm getting away before any more photos are taken of me!

Saturday, 22 October 2011

You'd think I'd learn...

I haven't been my best this week.  I have a runny nose and a few days ago, I scratched my face.  Just as that scratch was healing, I woke up to yet another scratch on my face.  Ok...fair enough, so on the third day in row, when I awoke with a big scratch between my eyes, you'd think I'd learn not scratch myself in my sleep.  When Mommy first saw me, she looked so alarmed that Daddy had to remind her to keep calm in order to not upset me.  Mommy tells me that I look as if I've been mawled by a tiger!

Playing despite my runny nose

Showing off my wounds and looking a little worse for wear.

One of my favourites is laughing (though I'm looking very serious at the camera) and getting excited when people follow me down the stairs.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

7 months old (and a bit)!

New Things I Can Do:  Rolling over all over the place--quickly across the room.  I can get up onto all fours (knees) and rock back and forth.  I can crawl backwards.  I protest when things are taken away.  I can make "th" and "s" sounds.

My Favourite Toys:  Learn and Groove Activity Centre; playing with Mickey Mouse in the mornings.

Games I Like To Play:  I continue to like playfighting with Daddy.  I'm always grabbing for objects.  I like hitting toys to make music play.

Places I've been to:  South End on Sea, Hampstead.

I laugh when....someone is following up or down the stairs; I smile all the time.

Cute Things I Do:  coos at my stuffed animals and comforter; I like to kick my cotbed's bars; I love the "itsy bitsy spider" song.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

My First Thanksgiving

I just celebrated my first Thanksgiving...and had my first taste of meat--turkey!  I didn't mind it too much.  Some of it stayed in and some of it dropped out of my mouth.  I was also very careful during dinner not to break any of my great GG's china or GG's silver.

I'm very thankful for finally being able to move, not just roll.  The day before I turned 7 months, I crawled backwards for the first time!

With a turkey--gobble, gobble!

I'm thankful for all my friends

Trying to keep still for our Thanksgiving portrait

Mommy's Birthday

Mommy had her first birthday with me.  She didn't tell me how old she is though.  As it was still beautiful outside, we all ate her birthday dinner outdoors.  She was very pleased with the birthday gift I bought her (with the help of Daddy).  I bought her a book and that evening, she read it to me!

Mommy didn't share her cake!

Here's Daddy jumping over my head.

Heat Wave

(Apologies from Mommy--had a hard time adding photos to the computer--had way too many!).

At the end of September and the beginning of October, had a heat wave here in England.  Is Autumn always supposed to be like this?  The temperature stayed in the high twenties and I had to hide from the sun.

As I seem to only have a sunny backyard, Mommy and I headed over to Chloe's.  What a great afternoon picnic!  Megan joined us (and showed me how to eat solids!).  And I spent two hours napping in Chloe's bed!

I think I'm getting spoiled by all the nice weather.  Mommy tells me that I have no idea what's in store for me in winter!
I went to the park in St. Albans to look at the ducks

At the park, I had my first taste of banana.

Chloe, Myself and Megan

Autumn leaves and summer heat

I can now get up onto my knees--and love rocking back and forth!

Friday, 23 September 2011

My week

I'm finally getting over my first cold.  It hasn't been too bad except I hate the nasal aspirator that Mommy uses on me! 

I've been visiting my friends this week and going to Baby Rhyme Time.  I've also had my first tastes of avocado and porridge.  I'm not into my food too much--I much prefer chewing on the spoon.

Oh yeah, Mommy is not so pleased about this but I do remind her it's a developmental step.  I now protest when things I like are taken away from me!

I love bouncing in Megan's Jumperoo!

Here's Jack and I at Baby Rhyme Time

Monday, 12 September 2011

Half A Year Old!

New things I can do:  I can now roll from my tummy to my back--so now I'm rolling everywhere!  I can put my feet in my mouth.  I can sit up for a few seconds by myself.  I'm also learning how to drink from an open cup.

Favourite bath time toys:  My two rubber Duckies.

How I've been sleeping:  Very well!  I go to sleep at 7:30 with no fuss and I sleep through until 7am, when I greet either Mom or Dad with a big smile.  I also take at least two naps a day.

My friends:  Jack, Amy, Megan, Chloe, Oliver, Benjy and Isabella.

Foods I like:  Butternut squash

Foods I dislike:  baby rice, courgettes, carrots....but it's still early days.
Here I am drinking water from my Doidy cup.

I wasn't too pleased about wearing this hat!

Other people seem to enjoy food more than I do right now.

Hurray!  I can sit up!

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Meeting My English Cousins--and First Tastes!

Mom has finally started to feed me real food--or so I thought!  So far I've had baby rice and zucchini ( but not together!).  Hopefully, things to come will be more tasty.

Yesterday, I went to meet my cousins for the first time.  It was Max's first birthday, so I was there to help him celebrate.  Everyone was impressed by how well behaved I was.


Here's my cousin Max, the birthday boy.

3 Brothers and 3 cousins

My first experience at lying on grass--and I spent nearly a half hour entertaining myself.

Monday, 29 August 2011

Daddy's Last week of Summer Holidays

Yes, it is the last week that Daddy will be with me full-time (for a while).  Mommy and I will be missing him terribly!  Perhaps knowing that he's going back to work is making me not finish my feeds.  I've been worrying Mom and Dad as I've been drinking more than 50 per cent less than my norm.  No one can figure out why as I'm still my happy self!

We've been making the most of the week.  I went for trips to the library and to Hampstead Heath (where I wasn't allowed to have the crepes yet--too bad!).  I also had my friend Jack over for dinner (he brought his parents along with him too). 

Here's my first time in a library--I was trying my best to be quiet!

Here I am with my friend Jack

Here I am with Mommy at Golders Hill Park

First time meeting a deer.

I'm sure going to miss my Daddy once he goes back to work!